Lecture Slides

Your lectures and any readings will be posted here as they become available.

Table 1: Class schedule
Topic Suggested Reading Study Questions
2024-01-08 Course Overview
2024-01-10 What is Micrometeorology? Open Geomatics section 3.1 & 3.2
2024-01-15 Energy and Mass Balances 01
2024-01-17 Snow Day/No Class
2024-01-22 A Deeper Dive into Surface Energy Balances
2024-01-24 Radiation Geometry Additional Reading 02
2024-01-29 Shortwave Radiation
2024-01-31 Longwave Radiation Additional Reading
2024-02-05 Net-Radiation
2024-02-07 Finishing our Discussion of Radiation 03
2024-02-12 Thermal Properties of Soil Additional Reading
2024-02-14 Finishing our Discussion on Thermal Properties of Soil
2024-02-19 Reading Break
2024-02-21 Reading Break
2024-02-26 Modelling Sub-Surface Temperatures 04 & 05
2024-02-28 Water & Ice
2024-03-04 Laminar & Turbulent Flow
2024-03-06 Production of Atmospheric Turbulence
2024-03-11 Dissipation of Turbulence
2024-03-13 Midterm Exam 1-5 Due
2024-03-18 Turbulence Statistics + Momentum Exchange
2024-03-20 Momentum Exchange + Profile Laws
2024-03-25 Profile Laws + Flux Gradient Relationships
2024-03-27 Eddy Covariance
2024-04-01 Easter Monday, no class
2024-04-03 Stability and Turbulent Exchange
2024-04-08 General Boundary Layer Characteristics & Flow in Complex Terrain
2024-04-10 Water & Carbon Cycles
2024-04-15 Office Hours Drop-in Exam Prep
2024-04-17 Office Hours Drop-in Exam Prep
2024-04-24 Final Exam 6+ Due