Ecosystem Water Balance

Learning objectives

  • Describe the water balance at a surface-atmosphere interface.
  • Explain how the surface water balance is linked to the energy balance.
  • Know what are water inputs, outputs and stores within vegetation canopies.



Mass Balance of Drainage Basins

In hydrology, we use mass conservation for water:

  • Input
    • Precipitation P
  • Output
    • Evapotranspiration E
    • Run off R
  • Internal mass change
    • Storage change \(\Delta S\)

Land-Atmosphere Water Balance

Components can be considered as mass flux densities:

  • Volume of water per unit ground area \(\rm{m}^3 \ \rm{m}^{-2} \ \rm{s}^{-1}\)
    • Equivalent to depth of water \(\rm{mm} \ \rm{h}^{-1}\)

\[ P = E + I + \Delta R + \Delta S \]


Latent heat flux \(LE\) (in \(\rm{W} \ \rm{m}^{-2}\)) and evapotranspiration \(E\) (in \(\rm{mm} \ \rm{s}^{-1}\)) are linked by the latent heat of vaporization:

\[ LE = L_v E \qquad(1)\]

You might notice then, that we can also define \(E\) as:

\[ E = \overline{w^{\prime}\rho_v^{\prime}} \qquad(2)\]

Water Balance as a Climate Index

  • We can use two ratios as climatic indices:
    • Run-off ratio (\(\frac{R}{P}\))
    • Evaporation ratio (\(\frac{E}{P}\))
  • For similar annual precipitation and similar \(R_n\), the annual Bowen ratio (β = H / LE) increases as R/P increases and E/P decreases.
Table 1: Runoff and evaporation ratios for selected ecosystems
Ecosystem R P E P
Tundra > 0.7 < 0.3
Forest 0.3 – 0.7 0.3 – 0.7
Steppe 0.1 – 0.3 0.7 – 0.9
Semi-desert 0.03 – 0.1 0.9 – 0.97
Desert < 0.03 > 0.97

Bowen ratio and climate

Wilson et al.. (2002). Water Res. Research, 38 (12)

Water balance of plant canopies

  • Inside a canopy there are significant air, soil, and plant flows
    • Re-distribution of water and temporary water storage (on leaves, in plants, soils, surface)
  • The plant structure can cause atmospheric water to condense
  • Water vapour is released from plant into atmosphere

Oke, 1987

Throughfall (\(P_T\))

Precipitation directly falling through the canopy or deflected by the tree crowns reaching the ground.

Photo: A. Christen

Canopy Drip

A special case of throughfall:

  • Coniferous trees prefer to direct water to the edge of the tree, due to their characteristic shape.
    • Causes, \(\theta_W\) is increased in a ring around a tree, while reducing \(\theta_W\) at base of tree

J. Seemann, et al. (1979): “Agrometeorology”, Springer.

Stem Flow (\(P_S\))

  • Process where water is drained along leaves / branches, and directed to the stem
  • Increased \(\theta_w\) close to the stem
    • Common strategy for plants in drier ecosystems

Measurement of stem flow, Photo: A. Christen

Interception (PI)

  • Water form a precipitation event that remains on the surface of the plant

    • Evaporates or drips down to the ground later

Photo: A. Christen

Interception vs. Precipitation

Interception for different trees and intensities of rainfall events Oke, 1987

Partitioning Precipitation

For the partitioning of P in a vegetation canopy: \(P = P_T + P_S + P_I\)

Table 2: Annual fractions of interception, stemflow and throughfall relative to total P. Average values based on 60 studies worldwide.
Forest type Interception Stemflow Throughfall
Tropical rainforest 13% 2% 85%
Mediterranean forests 17% 2% 81%
Dry scrubland 17% 11% 72%
Deciduous forests 19% 7% 74%
Coniferous forests 20% 3% 77%

Take home points

  • Water at land-atmosphere interfaces can be balanced the same way we accounted for energy using a flux per unit area (resulting in mm per time).
  • Water balance and energy balance are linked through the latent heat flux / Evapotranspiration (by latent heat of vaporization, \(LE = L_v E\)).
  • The three-dimensional structure of a plant canopy causes vertical differences in the input, storage and re-distribution of water (throughfall, interception, stem flow, fog drip).