Flux-gradient Relations

Learning Objective

  • Explain what can we learn from electrical circuits (Ohm’s Law) to describe heat and mass transfer on a land-atmosphere interface.
  • Discuss is we can we use the K-Theory introduced for the momentum transfer to relate the gradients of temperature, humidity and trace gas concentrations to fluxes.
  • Making the K-Theory useful - Reynold’s analogy (similarity) and aerodynamic approach.

Energy balance and turbulence

\[ \color{orange}{R_n} = \color{red}{H} + \color{blue}{LE} + \color{purple}{G} + \color{green}{\Delta S} \tag{1}\]

Turbulent exchange

Vertical turbulent flux of sensible heat, latent heat and trace gases

Resistance Approach - Ohm’s Law

  • To describe land-atmosphere exchange of heat, mass and momentum we can identify resistances of different sub-processes, e.g. of plant components (leaf, xylem, root, etc.), soil, whole PBL, etc.
  • Resistance relate the flux to a measured difference Δs across part of a system. For a given difference:
  • Low resistance - high flux densityHigh resistance - low flux density

Oke (1987)

Inspired by Ohm’s Law

We can define a scalar flux (\(F_c\) in \(m^{-2} s^{-1}\)) in terms of storage (\(\Delta S\) in \(m^{-3}\)) and either resistance (\(r\) in \(s m^{-1}\)) or conductance (\(g\) in \(m s^{-1}\)):

\[ F_c = \frac{\Delta S}{r} \tag{2}\]

\[ F_c = g \Delta S \tag{3}\]

Resistances vs. Conductances

Resistances are additive in series

Conductances are additive in parallel

Resistances at the surface-atmosphere interface

  • Several types of resistances / conductances can be conceived of, depending on the transport processes in the layer, e.g.
  • \(r_a\) (or \(g_a\)) - aerodynamic resistance (conductance) in the turbulent surface layer. Depends on degree of turbulent activity.
  • \(r_b\) (or \(g_b\)) - laminar boundary layer resistance (conductance) in the LBL immediately adjacent to surfaces. Depends on molecular diffusivities and thickness is the key variable.
  • \(r_s\) (or \(g_s\)) - stomatal resistance (conductance) of leaf pores. Depends on stomatal aperture (light, T, VPD, \(CO_2\) conc., leaf water potential)
  • \(r_c\) (or \(g_c\)) - canopy or surface resistance (conductance). Integrated resistance of complete surface system including \(r_s\) and \(r_b\) of leaves and air in canopy.

Aerodynamic resistances

\[ \tau = \rho \frac{\Delta\bar{u}}{r_{aM}} \approx \rho \frac{\bar{u_z}}{r_{aM (0-z)}} \tag{4}\]

  • Where \(\tau\) is momentum flux density (in \(N m^{-2}\) aka \(Pa\))
  • \(r_{aM}\) is aerodynamic resistance (in \(s m^{-1}\))
  • \(\bar{u_z}\) is mean wind speed at z (in \(m s^{-1}\))
  • \(\rho\) is density of air (in \(kg m^{-3}\))

\[ H = -C_a \frac{\Delta\bar{\Theta}}{r_{aM}} \tag{5}\]

  • Where \(H\) is sensible heat flux density (in \(W m^{-2}\) )
  • \(\bar{\Theta}\) is mean potential temperature (in \(K\)) see
  • \(C_{a}\) is the heat capacity of air (in \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\)) see

Aerodynamic resistances

\[ E = - \frac{\Delta\bar{\rho_v}}{r_{av}} \tag{6}\]

  • Where \(E\) is water vapor flux density (in \(kg m^{-2} s^{-1}\))
  • \(r_{av}\) is aerodynamic resistance (in \(s m^{-1}\))
  • \(\bar{\rho_v}\) is mean partial vapor density of water (in \(kg m^{-3}\))

\[ F_c = - \frac{\Delta\bar{\rho_c}}{r_{ac}} \tag{7}\]

  • Where \(F_c\) is trace gas flux density (in \(kg m^{-2} s^{-1}\))
  • \(r_{ac}\) is aerodynamic resistance (in \(s m^{-1}\))
  • \(\bar{\rho_c}\) is mean partial density of the trace gas (in \(kg m^{-3}\))

Flux-gradient relationships

  • For small-scale turbulence, the flux is down the concentration gradient, i.e
    • momentum flux density is fast \(\rightarrow\) slow
    • sensible heat flux density is ?? \(\rightarrow\) ??
    • water vapor flux density is wet \(\rightarrow\) dry
    • trace gas flux density is high concentration \(\rightarrow\) low concentration

Boussinesq suggested that turbulent transfer could be considered analogous to molecular diffusion - eddies replace molecules:

  • Flux density = transfer efficiency \(\times\) gradient of entity

Photo: A. Christen

Sensible Heat Flux Density (iClicker)

Sensible heat flux density is directed from ?? \(\rightarrow\) ??

  • A cold \(\rightarrow\) hot
  • B hot \(\rightarrow\) cold
  • C dry \(\rightarrow\) wet
  • D sunny \(\rightarrow\) dark

Photo: A. Christen


If \(K_M\), \(K_H\), \(K_V\) and \(K_C\) are eddy diffusivities (in \(m^2 s{-1}\)).

\[ \tau = \rho K_m \frac{\delta\bar{u}}{\delta z} \]

\[ LE = -K_v \frac{\delta\bar{\rho_v}}{\delta z} \]

\[ H = -C_a K_H \frac{\delta\bar{\Theta}}{\delta z} \]

\[ F_c = -K_c \frac{\delta\bar{\rho_c}}{\delta z} \]

K-Theory - limitations

  • K’s are extremely variable in time, space and atmospheric conditions (stability).
  • Requires instruments capable of measuring small vertical gradients (differences) to high accuracy.
  • Also the K-theory does not account for counter-gradient transport.
    • In the atmosphere, sometimes fluxes are counter gradient. Due to a large eddies which (briefly) transport flux regardless of background average (e.g. within plant canopies)

A 100m profile research tower probing theatmospheric surface layer (Falkenberg, DWD, Photo: A. Christen)

Reynolds Analogy

Reynolds surmised that in fully turbulent flow (high \(R_e\)) eddies would carry entities with equal ease (similarity principle):

\(K_m = K_H = K_v = K_c\)

  • and consequently, over the same layer

\(r_{am} = r_{aH} = r_{av} = r_{ac}\)

  • Practically this implies that we must only determine one of the K’s

  • Generally held that close to the ground this applies, except that \(K_M\) becomes increasingly dissimilar as instability increases, and then:

\(K_x \propto K_M^2\)

Using K-theory & Reynold’s Analogy to measure fluxes


  • Neutral stability: buoyancy effects are absent.
  • Steady state: no marked shifts in the radiation or wind fields during the observation period.
  • Constancy of fluxes with height: no vertical divergence or convergence.
  • Similarity of all transfer coefficients.

2 x Anemometer & 2 x Thermometer-Hygrometer

Reynolds Analogy

If we assume a similarity, we can take ratios of flux-gradient equations, and eliminate the K’s. If one flux is known (usually \(\tau\) from a measured wind profile), we can obtain other if their gradients are measured, e.g.

\[ \frac{\tau}{H} = \frac{\cancel{\rho}\cancel{K_M}(\Delta\bar{u}/\cancel{\Delta z})}{-\cancel{\rho}c_a\cancel{K_H}(\Delta\bar{\Theta}/\cancel{\Delta z})} = \frac{\Delta \bar{u}}{-c_a \Delta \bar{\Theta}} \tag{8}\]

  • where \(C_a = \rho c_a\)

Aerodynamic Approach

The aerodynamic approach requires the measurement [or prediction in a model] of mean wind u and relevant property (e.g. potential temperature \(\Theta\) absolute humidity \(\rho_v\) ) at same two heights [or layers]. It relies on the similarity of \(K_M\) and \(K_x\).


  • Neutral stability - buoyancy effects are absent.
  • Steady state - no marked shifts in the radiation or wind fields during the observation period.
  • Constancy of fluxes with height - no vertical divergence or convergence.
  • Similarity of all transfer coefficients.

2 x Anemometer & 2 x Thermometer-Hygrometer

Aerodynamic Approach ( 1/3)

From the neutral wind law:

\[ \begin{align} \bar{u_2} =\frac{u*}{k} (ln z_2 - ln z_0) \\ \nonumber \bar{u_1} =\frac{u*}{k} (ln z_1 - ln z_0) \\ \nonumber (\bar{u_2} - \bar{u_1})=\frac{u*}{k} (ln z_2 - ln z_1) \nonumber \end{align} \]


\[ \frac{\Delta \bar{u}}{ln(z_2/z_1)} = u_*/k \tag{9}\]

Aerodynamic Approach ( 2/3)

Since \(\tau \approx \rho u_*^2\); we can redefine:

\[ \tau = \rho k^2 [\Delta\bar{u}/ln(z_2/z_1)]^2 \tag{10}\]

And substitute Equation 10 into Equation 8 and solve \(H\)

Aerodynamic Approach ( 3/3)

For Sensible Heat Flux (\(H\)):

\[ \begin{align} H&=\frac{-\tau c_a \Delta\bar{\Theta}}{\Delta\bar{u}} \\ \nonumber &=\frac{-\rho k^2 \Delta\bar{u}^2c_a \Delta\bar{\Theta}}{\Delta\bar{u}[ln(z_2/z_1)]^2} \\ \nonumber &=\frac{-\rho k^2 \Delta\bar{u} c_a \Delta\bar{\Theta}}{[ln(z_2/z_1)]^2} \end{align} \tag{11}\]

For Latent Heat Flux (\(LE\)):

\[ LE = -\frac{L_v k^2 \Delta\bar{u} \Delta\bar{\rho_v}}{[ln(z_2/z_1)]^2} \]

2 x Anemometer & 2 x Thermometer-Hygrometer

Take Home Points

  • Resistance allow us to handle the flow of energy and mass though a complex system such as a land-atmosphere interface. Resistances can be formulated in series or in parallel.
  • Resistance formulations and flux-gradient relations (using eddy diffusivities, i.e. K’s) can be used to describe sensible, latent heat and trace gas transfer.
  • Reynolds analogy assumes that the eddy diffusivities for different scalars are similar, i.e. \(K_M\) = \(K_H\) = \(K_E\) = \(K_C\)
  • This allows us to overcome the severe restrictions of using K-theory - as in the aerodynamic approach the K’s cancel out.