See how radiation laws apply to long-wave radiative exchange and how long-wave radiation can interact with surfaces.
Explain how we can calculate longwave outgoing radiation, and how it relates to surface emissivity.
Know how we can estimate / model longwave incoming radiation and the emissivity of the atmosphere.
What is ‘Longwave’ radiation?
Measuring Long-wave Radiation
Numerous instruments can measure long-wave radiation received in a particular field of view (FOV), within a particular band, and/or with a particular spatial resolution.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law: Grey Body
Natural objects (called grey bodies) are not full radiators. Their emittance is given by adapting the Stefan-Boltzman law:
E_g = \epsilon\sigma_b T^4
where \(\sigma = 5.67 * 10^-8\)
where \(\epsilon\) is their surface emissivity. Emissivity is the ratio of the actual emission to that of a blackbody (i.e. \(\epsilon\) = 1.0).
This law is the basis of remote sensing in the TIR
Table 1: Long-wave emissivity coeficients (\(\epsilon_{LW}\)) for selected surfaces
Long wave Emissivity epsilon_ LW
0.90 – 0.98
0.90 – 0.95
0.90 – 0.99
0.97 – 0.99
0.92 – 0.97
0.13 – 0.28
Emittance (W m-2) of Vancouver seen from ASTER satellite Sept 3 2010 12:24 PDT
Most (solid) surfaces are opaque to long-wave (i.e., \(\Psi_{LW} \approx 0\)), so we can simplify our radiation conservation equation for \(LW\): \[
\zeta_{LW} + \alpha_{LW} = 1
\alpha_{LW} = 1 - \epsilon_{LW}
Long-wave Reflection (iClicker)
Which surface would you expect to have the highest \(\alpha_{LW}\)?
A Peat (organic soil)
B Wood
C Steel (Iron-carbon alloy)
D Wheat
E A Cow
Table 2: Long-wave emissivity coeficients (\(\epsilon_{LW}\)) for selected surfaces
Long wave Emissivity epsilon_ LW
0.90 – 0.98
0.90 – 0.95
0.90 – 0.99
0.97 – 0.99
0.92 – 0.97
0.13 – 0.28
Long-wave Reflection
Glass transmits a substantial fraction of visible light, but is relatively opaque to \(LW\)
Net Long-wave Flux Density
The net long-wave radiation flux density (\(LW^*\)) at the surface is the difference between the input from the atmosphere above (\(LW\downarrow\)) and the output surface (\(LW\uparrow\)).
LW^* = LW\downarrow - LW\uparrow
Surface output includes both emissions from surface and reflected \(LW\downarrow\)
Differs from \(SW*= SW\downarrow - SW\uparrow\)
\(SW\uparrow\) is only reflected \(SW\), earth doesn’t emit \(SW\)!
Long-Long-wave Flux Density
Net Long-wave Flux Density
We can re-formulate the previous equation in terms of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
Stefan-Boltzman gives us emissions from a surface of temperature \(T_s\) with a long-wave emissivity of \(\epsilon_{LW}\)
\((1-\epsilon_{LW})\) gives us reflectivity
Estimating Surface Emissivity
We can compare the apparent surface temperature \(T_r\), which assumes the surface is a black body: \[
\sigma T_r^4 = \epsilon_{s} T_s^4 + (1-\epsilon_{s})LW_{\downarrow}
In reality, we have both emission and reflection. We can re-arrange to isolate \(T_s\)\[
T_s = [\frac{\sigma T_r^4-(1-\epsilon_{s})LW_{\downarrow}}{\epsilon_{s}\sigma}]
then substitute \(sigma T_k^4\) (\(T_k\) = apparent sky temperature) and re-arrange again: \[
\epsilon_{s} = \frac{T_r^4-T_k^4}{T_s^4-T_k^4}
Apparent sky temperature is calculated by setting \(\epsilon{sky} = 1\)\[
LW_\downarrow = \sigma T_{k}^4
Calculating \(LW_\downarrow\)
Screen level observations are typically available from regular climate stations for air temperature (\(T_a\)) and sometimes vapour pressure (\(P_v\)) but not \(LW_\downarrow\)
If we are interested in estimating \(LW_\downarrow\) across full long-wave range (3 to 100 µm) we need a bulk value of \(\epsilon_a\) for both cloudless and cloudy cases.
Several equations are available to estimate \(\epsilon_a\) from screen-level \(T_a\) and \(P_v\).
Calculating \(LW_\downarrow\) - How to estimate \(\epsilon_a\)
Using \(T_a\) and \(P_v\) to estimate \(\epsilon_a\) works because:
\(T_a\) and \(P_v\) are the main controls that change in the atmosphere
Variations in CO2, O3 and other greenhouse gases are small.
\(T_a\) and \(P_v\) are largest and show their greatest variation near the ground. Approximately 50% of \(LW_\downarrow\) originates from 0 to 100m.
Note that \(T_a\) must be in \(C^\circ\) for this approximation. It will give \(P_v^*\) in hPa.
Calculating \(LW_\downarrow\) (iClicker)
At 15:00, February 2nd, \(T_a = 9 ^\circ\) and \(RH = 80%\), what was \(LW_\downarrow\)?
import numpy as npclass get_epsilon_a():def__init__(self,T_a,RH):if T_a <100:self.T_a = T_aself.T_ak = T_a+273.15else:self.T_ak=T_aself.T_a=T_a-273.15if RH>1:self.RH=RH*.01else:self.RH=RHself.Prata()def Prata(self):self.Pv_from_RH() a =1.2 b =3 zeta =46.5*(self.P_v/self.T_ak)self.epsilon_a =1-(1+zeta)*np.exp(-(a+b*zeta)**0.5)def Pv_from_RH(self): P_v_star =6.112*np.exp(17.62*self.T_a/(243.12+self.T_a))self.P_v =self.RH*P_v_stare = get_epsilon_a(9,80)e.epsilon_a
A 0.77
B 0.88
C 0.66
D 0.55
E 0.99
Effects of Temperature and Humidity (iClicker)
Which property has a stronger effect?
A \(T_a\)
B \(RH\)
UBC Energy Balance Station “Westham Island” (Photo: A. Christen)
Diurnal Course - Clear vs Cloudy Sky
Effect of Clouds on Longwave Irradiance
With a clear-sky, \(LW_\downarrow\) originates from all layers of the atmosphere, because the atmosphere is partly transparent (‘atmospheric window’ open). With clouds \(LW_\downarrow\) originates from the cloud base and the atmosphere below the cloud, because the cloud is opaque to long wave (‘atmospheric window’ closed).
Monthly totals of \(LW_\downarrow\) & \(LW_\uparrow\) at CA-DBB
‘Fingerprint’ of \(LW_\downarrow\) and \(LW_\uparrow\) measured in Vancouver
Take Home Points
Radiation laws apply the same way to the longwave part of the spectrum - but Kirchhoff’s law and the concept of emissivity become relevant.
The net-long wave radiation is driven by the difference in apparent sky and surface temperatures and hence clouds and thermal surface properties are controlling radiative exchange in the long-wave.