Plant-atmosphere interactions

The Final Exam

The final exam will be open between April Wednesday April 24th and Thursday April 25th. It will be completed asynchronously over canvas.

  • The exam will not be timed. It is not intended to take longer that a normal exam period (250 minutes), but I want you to have more time if you need it.
    • The exam will be open for 48 hours starting at 8 AM Wednesday April 24th
      • Late submissions will not be accepted. If you experience extenuating circumstances, contact me before the exam period closes
  • The final is cumulative; any topics from the course are fair game. Similar to the midterm:
  • A collection of multiple choice, fill in the blanks, matching etc. (~50%)
  • Problem set + short answer questions (~50%)

Teaching Evaluations (iClicker)

Have you filled out an evaluation yet?

  • A Yes
  • B No, but I will
  • C No, and I don’t plan to

About Evaluations

  • They are completely anonymous!
  • They matter!
    • I read every comment & value constructive feedback!
    • This was my first time teaching the course, so I would like to know how I could improve it!
  • You can follow this link to the evaluation

Learning objectives

  • Explain why plant processes are important for the atmosphere.
  • Assess the importance of the energy absorbed in photosynthesis or heat released by respiration.
  • Describe what controls the exchange of water and carbon between a leaf and the atmosphere.

Photosynthesis across the globe

The land sink for CO2

Looking Inside a Leaf

Plant-Atmosphere Exchnage

Exchange of CO2, H2O, and O2 between plant interior and atmosphere occurs through stomata.

  • Found on the underside of the leaf
  • Open/close to regulate exchange

Photosynthesis vs. Respiration

Gross chemical processes

Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE)

Defined by atmospheric scientists; the atmosphere is the reference reserviour for CO2; Units are generally in mol m-2 s-1 or g m-2 s-1. Negative values indicates uptake by the ecosystem, positive indicates accumulation in the atmosphere:

\[ NEE = F_c = \overline{w^{\prime}\rho_c^{\prime}} \]

Net ecosystem productivity (NEP)

Reference reserviour for CO2 is the ecosystem. In simple cases, \(NEP \approx - NEE\). NEP is more comprehensive; it also includes land-water fluxes, but much more difficult to measure.

It is defined as the difference between ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER) :

\[ NEP = GPP-ER \]

ER is the total aerobic respiration of CO2 by an ecosystem:

\[ ER = AR + HR \]

  • Autotrophic respiration (AR) is CO2 respired by primary producers (plants)
  • Heterotrophic respiration (HR) is CO2 respired by all other living organisms (bacteria, animals, fungi). This CO2 is also derived from GPP, but in a more roundabout way.

Carbon uptake or release from ecosystems?

Energy Balance & NEP

Energy absorbed in photosynthesis or heat released by respiration can be expressed as a storage term in W m-2:

\[ \Delta P = \Phi NEP \]

  • where \(\Phi\) is the heat of assimilation of carbon, which is 469 kJ mol-1, or aproximately 3 W h g(CO2)-1.

  • \(\Delta P\) is small; often neglected in energy balance calculations

    • Stomatal control of transpiration is much more relevant in the surface energy balance!

Conversion Efficiency

PAR (0.4 to 0.7 \(\mu m\)) is ~ 50% of \(SW\)

  • Effieciency of PAR absoprtion is < 20%
    • Since > 50% of this goes to heat; < 10% of energy from \(SW\downarrow\) is converted to chemical energy
  • 10% is an upper limit under optimal conditoins
    • In reality it is often < 1%
      • Water & temperature stress, sub-optimal light intensities, nutrient limitations, etc.

Cuvet method of measuring photosynthesis

Light response curve & light saturation

Exchange of water through plants

When stomata are open:

  • They expose the moist plant interior to dry ambient air
  • As they take up CO2, they loose H2O
    • This is transpiration

Evaporation vs. transpiration

Photosynthesis – Biochemistry Rules Efficiency

Temperature Response of Photosynthesis

CO2 Response of Photosynthesis

Resistance Approach

Stomatal Response to Humidity and Temperature

Stomatal Resistance

Timelapse: photosynthesis from space

Take home points

  • Ecosystems take up CO2 by photosynthesis and release it by respiration.

  • Energy used by photosynthesis is minor, won’t exceed 10% of \(R_n\)

  • Stomatal resistance is a very important control over partitioning of \(LE\) and \(H\)

  • Properly representing stomatal resistance is essential for weather and climate models.