Turbulence Statistics

Using statistics to simplify our understanding of turbulence

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how we can separate turbulent from mean kinetic energy.
  • Explain how we can quantify turbulence and its properties.

Statistical Approach

Single motions in a turbulent flow are chaotic and unpredictable. Luckily, they are seldom important,

  • Prediction focuses on integral effects of turbulence on dispersion and exchange processes.

    • Where are regions of strong / weak turbulence?
    • When is the flow more / less turbulent?
    • How efficiently does turbulence transfer energy and mass?

Instantaneous temperature field in a Large Eddy Simulation of the PBL (M. A. Carper, University of Minnesota)

Sample turbulent time series of measured temperatures (10 min)

Reynolds Decomposition

Turbulent properties appear chaotic, but can be analyzed by deconstructing them into two parts:

  • The time mean (e.g., \(\bar{a}\))
  • The instantaneous deviation from the mean (e.g., \(a^{\prime}\))

\[ a(t) = \bar{a} + a^{\prime}(t) \qquad(1)\]


\[ \bar{a} = \small\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}a(t_i) \qquad(2)\]

Wind vector has u, v, & w components

Reynolds Decomposition: Covariance

By definition the average of all fluctuations must vanish.

\[ \begin{align} \bar{a^{\prime}} = 0 \nonumber \\ \bar{a }\times \bar{b^{\prime}} = 0 \nonumber \\ \overline{a \times b} =\overline{(\bar{a}+a^{\prime})\times(\bar{b}+b^{\prime})} = \bar{a}\times\bar{b} + \overline{a^{\prime}\times b^{\prime}} \end{align} \qquad(3)\]

We conclude: A covariance is not necessarily vanishing. Covariances are often very important terms in turbulence.

Integral Statistics

Also the variance of a in a turbulent time series is not zero. It is defined by:

\[ \overline{a^{\prime2}} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}a^{\prime2}(t_i) \qquad(4)\]

The standard deviation (square root of variance) is in the same units as a:

\[ \sigma_a=\sqrt{\overline{a^{\prime2}}} \qquad(5)\]

Integral statistics

Turbulence intensities are the dimensionless ratio between the standard deviation and the length of the mean wind vector M.

\[ \begin{align} I_u = \small\frac{\sigma_u}{M} \nonumber \\ I_v = \small\frac{\sigma_v}{M} \nonumber \\ I_w = \small\frac{\sigma_w}{M} \nonumber \\ M = \sqrt{\bar{u^2} + \bar{v^2} + \bar{w^2}} \end{align} \qquad(6)\]

Turbulent Kinetic Energy

Following the definition of kinetic energy (\(E=\frac{1}{2}mv^2\)) we can define a mean kinetic energy (MKE) per unit mass \(m\) of the flow, namely

\[ \frac{MKE}{m}=\frac{1}{2}(\overline{u^2}+\overline{v^2}+\overline{w^2}) \qquad(7)\]

Similarly, the kinetic energy of the instantaneous deviations per unit mass (e) is:

\[ e=\frac{1}{2}(u^{\prime2}+v^{\prime2}+w^{\prime2}) \nonumber \]

The average e is called mean turbulent kinetic energy (TKE):

\[ TKE = \overline{e}=\frac{1}{2}(\overline{u{\prime2}}+\overline{v{\prime2}}+\overline{w{\prime2}}) \qquad(8)\]

The TKE budget

TKE in the boundary layer (iClicker)

TKE increases with _______ wind speed.

  • A increasing
  • B decreasing

TKE in the boundary layer (iClicker)

TKE is greater over _______ than ________ surfaces.

  • A rough / smooth
  • B smooth / rough

TKE in the boundary layer (iClicker)

TKE is greatest in __________ atmosphere, least in ________ atmosphere.

  • A stable / unstable
  • B unstable / stable

Probability Densities

A probability density function (PDF) describes the probability of occurrence of a particular value of any parameter.

  • It is useful to look at the probability density functions of turbulent fluctuations (\(u^{\prime}\),\(v^{\prime}\),\(w^{\prime}\),\(T^{\prime}\),\(\rho^{\prime}\),etc.).
  • A histogram is a discrete representation of a probability density.

Joint Probability Density

A \(\geq 2D\) probability density of co-occurrence variables is called joint probability density.

  • This can be very informative, e.g.,:
    • Say \(w^{\prime}\) and \(\rho_{H_2O}^{\prime}\) are correlated, this gives us information about H2O transport toward/away from the surface

H. Tennekes and J. L. Lumley (1972): A first course in turbulence. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Joint probability density - examples

H. Tennekes and J. L. Lumley (1972): A first course in turbulence. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Correlation coefficient

The correlation coefficient \(r\) describes covariance relative to variability:

  • e.g., for \(u\) and \(w\), it would be: \(r_{uw} = \small\frac{\overline{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}}}{\sigma_u \sigma_w}\)

Taylor’s Hypothesis - translating from time to space

\[ \frac{\delta T}{\delta t} = -u \frac{\delta T}{\delta x} \]

R. B. Stull (1988)



Take home points

  • Turbulent flow can be described using the continuum assumption (parcels rather than molecules).
  • Reynolds decomposition allows to separate the mean from the turbulent part of a time series.
  • We are rarely interested in the instantaneous values of the turbulent part - but only in the integral effects.
  • We can use probability distributions to predict exchange efficiency and mixing in a turbulent flow.